

Publications primarily accept figures and pictures in the .rtf format. As such, this page primarily discusses how to generate these file types and the other requirements this group uses to generate figures compatible with most journals.
If you have any questions on how to generate .png images from VMD, see Rendering Figures and Using POV-RAY sections in Using VMD

The process I would use for creating publication quality figures is:

  1. Xmgrace to compile data and generate basic figures. Save sessions to be edited later on
  2. Use Powerpoint as an easy editor to generate draft figures to place in your document to get an idea what you want your figures to look like.
    • DO NOT use Powerpoint to generate figures that will be used in final drafts.
    • I recommend doing this because it is really easy to throw ideas together, save as a simple .png and see how it looks in the paper.
    • AGAIN Powerpoint will make blurry figures and should not be used in final drafts
  3. Edit Xmgrace data figures to make changes necessary for final figure. Do not use Xmgrace for sizing and tiling. Save as .eps
  4. Use Adobe Illustrator to properly size, tile and format your figures; Polish your figures. Save in .eps format
    • Resize figures to the size you want them to be in your article. This ensures they port well for the publisher.
  5. Put final copy in your LaTex file.