
This section outlines the process for acquiring Go-like parameter (.param) and protein data bank files (.pdb). The only information you need to know is your desired protein's PDB ID.

Generate a Go-like .pdb and .param File

  • Go to the PDB website:
  • Search the protein's PDB ID
    • go to "Download Files"
    • select "PDB Format" file [the (gz) option produces a gzipped file]
    • the downloaded file produces an all-atom (x,y,z) .pdb file
    • Note, for mmtsb all HIS residues need to be defined as protonated or deprotonated. We typically choose the deprotonated state (HSD)
  • Go to the multi-scale modeling tool for structural biology (mmtsb) website:
    • go to the "Go Model Builder"
  • Upload your all-atom .pdb file into mmtsb and follow the instruction on the site
    • the website will convert the all-atom model to a Go model
    • the website might have problems if your all-atom .pdb has excess/unneeded information. If you do run into problems, the only thing you need in the file is the ATOM section, everything else can be deleted.
  • Submit the job and mmtsb will email you your results in .tar format.
    • if it did work your file should be ~130KB
    • if it didn't work your emailed file will be ~10KB
  • Un-tar the folder:
    $ tar xvf PDB-ID.tar
    • a new .pdb and a .param file will be generated
    • the new files will be reference with the "GO_" prefix
  • Put these files into you INPUT folder, note the .param file will be further modified before it is ready for simulation.